Instead of thinking of tummy time as this really discrete assignment or task that you have to do, if you just incorporate it in short intervals into your daily activities, and think of ways to use more of baby’s senses, like looking at you or at a picture while singing – it becomes a little less scary, and a little more doable.

– Rachel Coley, CanDo Kiddo

When my firstborn was an infant, I knew about tummy time.

I knew it was good for him, knew it was something I was supposed to be “giving” him every day… but he hated it – and so I had a hard time with it, too!

Tummy time is important for newborns to help build their core muscles, and to balance out the amount of time they spend either on their backs or in “baby gear,” according to pediatric occupational therapist Rachel Coley of CanDo Kiddo, who I interviewed on the corresponding podcast episode, Tummy Time Frame Of Mind.”

Although I knew it was recommended to do a bit of tummy time each day (and that it can be easier if you introduce it early on!), I had a lot of misconceptions the first time around!

Don't Miss our Corresponding Podcast Episode!

Rachel put me straight:

First, tummy time doesn’t mean your baby needs to be placed on a floor for a given amount of consecutive time each day – in fact, Rachel recommends “a minute here, a minute there, lots and lots of times throughout the day!”

Second, providing your baby with little bits of tummy time all over the house (and in the community) by:

  • Holding him in different positions (tummy down on your reclined chest, on your lap, or in your arms)
  • Placing him on safe surfaces (a pak-n-play*, a blanket, a rolled up towel) throughout the day is a wonderful way to build baby’s tolerance and increase the likelihood that you’ll actually providing the opportunity, say, while you’re brushing your teeth or playing with an older child.

Third, tummy time can look like your baby lounging comfortably with his head to the side, while on his belly – it doesn’t always have to be hard “heavy work for baby!

Finally, using ALL of baby’s senses while doing tummy time is a great way to help engage him, provide a holistic learning experience while working on motor development, and spend quality time together!

Here’s one idea to utilize all of Rachel’s great ideas and recommendations: create (or simply print out!) high contrast black & white images to be used as a visual focal point for your baby while in tummy time or other supervised positions, and as a “prop” or visual reminder for you to use while singing!

One song that might work well is “If You’re Happy And You Know It,” which can be represented with different simple images of faces!

* For a refresher on the song & lyrics, watch our YouTube video *

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Musical experiences are a wonderful way to connect with infants and toddlers, and music can be used as a framework from which to build attention skills, communication skills, and social/emotional bonding between you and your baby.

In this case, music can be used to encourage tummy time, side-lying, head turning, or neck strength, thereby encouraging motor development!

Materials to create your DIY High Contrast Movement & Music Images

  • Paper
  • A black marker or a printer (for your download!)
  • Optional: a piece of cardboard or a laminator

Instructions to create your DIY High Contrast Movement & Music Images

  1. Print out or draw each black & white image for the song “Happy & You Know It” or other song that inspires visuals in your mind
  2. Laminate your images, or attach them to a piece of cardboard, to make them longer-lasting – or attach to the wall or other surface (such as an activity gym) with a piece of tape 
  3. Sing the appropriate “Happy & You Know It” verse that corresponds to each image (a happy face, sad face, excited face, sleepy face, etc).
  4. Place around your baby
    • In front or beside him (for tummy time)
    • Beside on either or each side (for head-turning or for side-lying)
    • above or on the same level on the wall when baby is upright (for neck strength)


  • Infants, especially newborns in the first 4-5 months of life, benefit greatly from exploration of movement and development of various muscle groups. They do this by laying in different positions on a flat surface, or by being held in different positions by you!
  • New babies also enjoy high contrast images, and prefer to look at images that resemble faces. If we give them our faces (or pictures) to look at, as well as our voices, we provide a multi-sensory experience for them to enjoy while trying different positions

Want more freebies?

For an additional ways to use black & white images, you can visit CanDo Kiddo’s site here and download Rachel’s Black & White baby play cards!

This post contains affiliate links. All activities described by Learn With Less assume close supervision of the child by an adult.

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Learn With Less
Ayelet Marinovich, MA, CCC-SLP
Here at Learn With Less®, we lean into the values of:

⭐️ simplicity ⭐️ playfulness ⭐️ inclusivity ⭐️ education ⭐️ connection

The 4 pillars of our framework are play, talk, sing, & move

🧰 which means that these pillars are the tools we utilize to facilitate support & connection within & between families.

It all feeds into each other. Our values, our strategy, the parallel process, the ebb & flow. Nowhere on this list of tools is “specific toy x, y, or z!”

💡 Because it’s NOT the tool or toy that does the job: it’s about building & deepening the relationship between caregiver & child.

You don’t need MORE toys in your home: you already have everything you need.

Help families support their baby/toddler, even if they have no toys, time, or energy ➡️ download my free Infant/Toddler Development Blueprint today:

🔗 (link in my bio)

I’m the parent of 2 young children, and a professional working with infant/toddler families.

Grab our infant/toddler blueprint today and start to @learnwithless ❤️
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🧠 Anticipation Games: a simple way to support cognitive development in your tiny human! 

Personal care routines (eg, diapering, feeding, dressing) provide a predictable sequence of events, allowing tiny humans to learn to anticipate next steps. 

The actions we repeat day in/ day out help little ones to develop the memory & understanding of what comes next, allowing them to imitate our actions. 

All you need: 
✔️ a tiny human
✔️ a piece of fabric
✔️ your attention & eye contact

Help families support & connect with babies & toddlers without having to buy another toy, with the @learnwithless framework.

🔗 Download our infant/toddler development blueprint free here: (link in my bio)

And learn all about our resources! 
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This morning, my 11-year old replaced the paper towel roll and approached me saying, 

“Mama, do you need this for your work?”

My work here is done 🤣 

This kid has always known what it is to @learnwithless and I love that he knows what I do to help educators & families feel confident they can support & connect with tiny humans — without having to buy another toy! 

Want to be part of this work too? 

Get started here: 🔗 (link in my bio) 

We’d love to know: what is your favorite way to Learn With Less®?
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Last Wednesday, I held a private training for folks interested in working with me to create lasting impact leading high quality, evidence-based, family-centered “caregiver & me” classes in their communities using a “plug & play” system that will have families coming back again and again.

You can still get access to this essential, robust training, and get ALL your questions answered about what it’s like to @learnwithless ♥️

Get your invitation: (link in my bio)

Here’s what one Learn With Less® facilitator shared:

“All the pieces totally prepared me to talk about every aspect of development & the pieces you share all the time. I really appreciate how the concepts are laid out so clearly.”

As a facilitator of @learnwithless you can be responsive to parents & caregivers, as you follow THEIR lead and build from there. 

In responding, modeling, & coaching playfulness to caregivers, THEY are then enabled to do the same with their children. 

With our strategies & resources, you can get started leading successful developmentally based “caregiver & me” classes in good hands, from day one. 

We can’t wait to hear what YOUR goals & vision are! 
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